
Easy ways to take care of your health

I have always been open about my mental health, but I have unintentionally ignored my physical health. Lately, it has been suffering more than it has ever suffered. I personally spent a lot of time, nearly a few months, working on my mental state of mind. I worked on it by practicing meditation, doing yoga, and thinking positively. However, during all this time I have given absolutely very little thought to the overall health of my own body.

When we are stressed, we take a quiet moment to calm ourselves down, but when we are physically drained out, do we do the same to calm our bodies down? NO, we don’t!

Here are a few things we all can do to be more mindful of our bodies and help them relax:

  1. EXERCISE IS THE KEY – I am not a very active person. In day-to-day life exercising has been a big task for me. I tried a couple of things, but I get bored easily. One day, I pushed myself and decided to go for a brisk walk and it was a game-changer for me, honestly. I instantly felt uplifted and charged and even my mind felt relaxed. It was the day I realized that even a little exercise goes a long way.
  1. EATING RIGHT AND EATING WELL  – We all have heard the saying, “we are what we eat”. Especially with the pandemic going on, we all are much more mindful of what we are eating every day. Now when I say eating healthy, I by no means intend to say that the food needs to be bland or lack in taste. It is actually easier than ever to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but you just need to know where to look. Dr. Ryan Shelton Zenith Labs recently wrote an article on the technological advancements in health and there are some many options from Fitbits to Apps, all which will help you focus on your body and eating right.  
  1. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY – We are ignorant when it comes to small aches and pains in our body, especially if I talk about myself. Well, we shouldn’t be. Even a little pain or ache should be given attention in order to rule out any serious physical damage to our 

bodies later on in life. 

  1. IMPROVE YOUR SLEEP PATTERN – Most of the days I used to feel lethargic and tired.  I realized that I wasn’t sleeping well. I was up either watching Youtube videos or watching a web show very late. This slowly started disrupting my daily life and I felt sleepy all the time. I slowly started working on my sleep pattern and trust me, I feel so much better overall. So, this is something we all should be paying attention to.

Well, these were a few points to be kept in mind if one wants to lead a happy and healthy life. Do let me know if you liked the article in the comments below and do read my latest blog post before you leave.

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