Book review : One girl many lives

I hope you are all doing great. Well, if you’ve been following my blog, you would know that I actually promised myself that I would read a book every month in 2021. I did begin with a lot of enthusiasm but kept falling off the track from time to time. But finally, I was able to start reading again. My last review did get me quite a few positive responses so here I am with my second book review.

NAME OF THE BOOK – One girl many lives

AUTHOR – Ajit, Anshu, Jithin, Priya, Sona



One girl many lives brings together, five talented writers to create five different collaborative stories. These stories are separated by time and yet together brought by life. It’s my first time reading a book that is build up together through a collaborative effort.

The stories are together set in varied places but inspired by a single image. The stories take us through after events of moments that have played an important role in shaping our history. Each story is written individually though but later passed on, in a chain.

The First Story THE LONE FLIGHT, is set in Lahore in 1947 Partition Times where a little girl loses her family and also her home.

The Second Story BLACK JULY, is set in Colombo during the time of Sri Lankan Civil War. In this story, yet another girl is on the run to save her family and herself from the after effect of Black July.

The third Story LOVE2K, is set in New York where a young girl while amidst Y2K bug fixing, actually questions her own search for love.

The fourth Story THE RUNAWAY PRINCESS, is set in Paris in 2015. A princess is running around hiding her identity and finally ends up falling in love with an intended killer on the run.

The fifth Story SPACES, takes us to the future and is set in 2135 about an astronaut family who lose their girl to a space expedition and constantly live in the guilt.


It was my first time where I have read a collaborative effort of stories together. The stories keep you hooked and once they end, they leave you wanting to read more of it. All the stories are set in different backgrounds and at different times but if there is something common amongst them, then it has to be the story that lies.

It feels like one girl is going through so many different momentous events and living several lives. This is what the title also suggests. The language used was very relatable and easy for readers to connect with. Also, the plots each story carries were very interesting and brought something different every time a new story started.


It was definitely a great read however there were times I found it to be a little lengthy. But anyway, I enjoyed reading it. Would I suggest this to someone? Well, a big thumbs up for that, I surely would. Another great point that I’d like to add is that I personally prefer books that do not weigh on you much. This is a perfect light read. I hope you found the review interesting and if you did then do let me know in the comments below. Also, if you wish to read this book then you can easy find this on Amazon

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