Motherhood – it’s all bananas

Yes, we all love our children like chocolate fudge, or probably a little more than that. The little joys and moments that Motherhood brings to us can not be compared to anything else. Seeing your little human grow everyday, hear them talking, untimely kisses and hugs, seeing them walk, these things are just too many to list. While this is obviously the good part of it, not that the other part is not good. I only mean to say that there actually exists another part that just makes all us moms go BANANAS.

1. POOP CALL WHILE I’M HAVING FOOD – I don’t know is it just my child or the other do the same too. The moment I peacefully sit down to have my meal, I hear a voice ” mumma poo poo”. No matter what time of the day it is or what meal of the day it is, it is always interrupted by poo poo. She has this magical alarm that suddenly rings as soon as I’m about to have my first bite. Also, this only happens when I am extremely hungry.

2. CRYING OVER A TOY – Well my daughter has this habit that honestly I’m not very proud of. The amount of toys she has is insane. I was thinking of getting a new storage unit\ box in fact. The moment she sees another child with a toy, we are done. She even throws a tantrum when we are out. She has a sixth sense that tells her that her parents are enjoying today, let’s to something different and change their mood. Well most of our outings result ending in a mayhem.

3.FORGETTING RHYMES – As funny as it may sound but my daughter makes an issue out of this too. The other day she was singing ” if you’re happy and you know it”. She seemed to find it a little difficult, obviously because she is only 3. I was so proud of the fact that she was trying again and again. I go to the kitchen to grab a water bottle, I come back running, hearing her cry. On asking she said ” I can’t remember the lines”. At that moment I dint really know how to react. This was probably after hearing the same rhyme 25347 times.

4. UNINTERRUPTED BATH – So proud to say that this has never happened with me. Even if my husband is at home and I happily assume that I would be able to enjoy my bath today, it still doesn’t happen. My little monster is always outside the bathroom door with all the possible queries she can come up with. Even if she is out of questions, she has a plan B. She starts by singing a rhyme, stops mid way and expects me to complete the rest of it. All this while i’m basically just trying to clean myself.

Well I hope you all could relate to the same. Let me know a few things that literally make you go bananas in the comments below. After all isn’t motherhood just about going bananas??




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