
Keeping super active toddlers busy

Toddlers are the best people to be around. I say this because I have one and not a dull moment in the day with this one around. While it is very normal for kids to be super active, certain children are more active than others. I belong to the latter category. There are days when I don’t feel the best of myself , still I have to keep my daughter entertained to utilise her energy else she would just stick her eyes to the phone watching youtube.

While you may worry that your child may never learn to sit, her boundless energy is normal for a toddler. The reality is that most (although not all) children this age are just very, very busy! They’re learning new skills every day, and toddlers want to practice them. Your child may go through a phase where she works hard on certain motor skills (such as running, jumping, and climbing) and shows little interest for quiet activities such as doing puzzles or coloring. ( mine hates puzzles though)

Eventually, this focus on the physical activity will fade in favor of other interests (although, of course, some children will always naturally be more active than others). This can never be a reason to worry. Some parents seem to be extremely concerned about the same

To save your sanity without breaking her spirit, make sure your toddler has safe ways to utilise for her energy. Here are a few ways that can be helpful to you as a parent.


1. Get her outdoors whenever you can so she can run and jump, swing and slide, ride her tricycle, and kick or throw a ball. Inside, offer toys or materials that allow her to expand her energy, here is when independent play is very important and comes into action , pillows to punch or even jump on actually make for another activity that these little ones enjoy the most.

2. Dancing to the music can at times prove to be the only solution that you may need. Extra active toddlers require parents to run around them almost all day long. The best way out is to make this a tad bit less active for parents too. For me, I love dancing and my little one clearly follows my steps when it comes to this(not sure of other things though). Just turn up the volume and let it all out. Surprise surprise, it turns out to be a workout session for you too.

3. Rolling on the floor is the best. At times, I as a aren’t literally run out of ideas so what I do is just clear up a space on the floor ( make sure it has a mat or is carpeted). Let your little ones just roll and roll, trust me this would soon turn into their favourite activity.

These are a few ways that can help both parents and the child.  I hope you found this blog to be informative. If you did then please let me know in the comments section below.

Look at it this way: You’re getting a workout, too! This is exactly the reason why I am more than exhausted by the end of the day.

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