5 Reasons why your child loves stuffed animals

Stuffed animals are a universal staple of any child’s bedroom. In fact, if a child has only one toy, it’s likely to be a stuffed animal. It comes with no surprise that my daughter loves he to. We infact try to pick one up from every country we visit. From tigers to penguins to dogs to elephants, the fluffy dolls come in all shapes and sizes to suit nearly any taste. Even in an age of fancy LEGO sets and flashy loud electronic toys ( which I absolutely hate ), stuffed animals haven’t lost their real and lovable appeal.


1. They encourage love and nurturing
After being bossed around all day, children want a chance to play the adult. Stuffed animals make great recipients of a child’s pretend care and discipline in life. They’re small, lightweight, humanoid and perfect in every possible sense. Playing “mommy” or “daddy” to a stuffed animal makes children feel capable and in control. It is also a very essential part of play. Infact my daughter does this almost all day long. Some days she becomes the teacher and other days she’s the mommy.

2. They’re always smiling
Stuffed animals are immune to the letdowns of life unlike all of us. No matter how many times they are dropped, sat on or left alone, they always greet their owners with heartwarming, reassuring smiles. This is th best part of them I feel. Those fuzzy, happy faces make the world seem like a nicer place, no matter what’s happening in the child’s life. Mommy, daddy or teacher may be disappointed, but Teddy is never disappointed. All of this might just be looked down upon as child’s play but the impact it has on a child is truely amazing.

3. They give the best hugs
Who doesn’t like big and warm hugs? I absolutely do. Nothing chases away the blues like a warm, squishy hug, and it doesn’t get warmer or squishier than a stuffed animal. Not only that, but stuffed animals will take hugs of the greatest length and intensity without gasping for air or rushing off to answer the phone. This is the worst habit we posses as humans, I’m sure you all will agree to this Hugging a toy robot or a Barbie doll, on the other hand, just doesn’t measure up to that irreplacable softness. They make for great sleeping companions too. Just a nice cuddly teddy by their side and they are guaranteed to have the best sleep.

4. They’re easy to clean up
Children are all about loving the mess. Who likes to clean up after a wonderful time of play? For a child, nothing is easier than picking up stuffed animals from the floor after they are done playing. All you got to do is just stuff them in their place and it’s done.  The best part about them is they don’t make a great mess. We all know how much of a pain it is to put lego back into the box.

I hope you all found this content to be useful, f you did please let me know in the comments section below.


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