Tips to help recovering from a caesarean

tips to recover from a caesarean
tips to recover from a caesarean

You won’t be pacing the room rocking your newborn right after your delivery, but you should be able to get out of bed and walk around within a day. Why the wait? First, the numbing medications have to wear off. And some women, especially those who had a long labor before they had a caesarean, need extra time to regain their energy. Once the catheter is removed (it emptied your bladder so it wouldn’t be damaged during delivery), you’ll be able to get out of bed. Moving around will help you recover.

Being active allows normal body functions to get back to their routine, as well as decreasing the chance of any complications. “For example, being sedentary can cause the bowels to move more slowly, leading to constipation. It can also be a serious risk factor.

Of course, you’re not going to get up and go for a sprint anytime soon—it’s important to take the time to let your body heal before you jump back into exercise.“Increase the intensity around six weeks postpartum.” By that time, you should have an appoitment with your OB, who will likely clear you for more intense exercise.

Get help lifting baby

We know all you want to do is lift that adorable baby out of the bassinet, but you’re going to have to ask for help. It could be painful or difficult shortly after surgery. This is normal, and pain medication, as well as a hand from dad, will help. “Lifting a baby out of the bassinet may be a challenge, but sitting and holding a baby in a chair and nursing isn’t. So go ahead and breastfeed your baby, but ask for assistance from someone.

Just say yes to the pain medication

Expect the caesarean incision to hurt for a while. Medications delivered through the epidural ease pain immediately after delivery. After you’re done with those, you’ll be given oral anti-inflammatory medication. These medicines don’t interfere with breastfeeding, so take them.

Every new mom gets these cramps after delivery—that’s the uterus’s way of shrinking to its original size, and it will probably clear up within two weeks post-birth—and having that incision will make it more intense for you. Also, know that breastfeeding can trigger those cramps and make the pain even worse. That’s all the more reason to keep taking your meds.

Expect bleeding

Even though you didn’t deliver vaginally, you will have postpartum vaginal bleeding or as we call them “periods”. The blood comes from the area of the uterus that used to be attached to the placenta. The bleeding is part of the healing process in your uterus.

Eat lots of fiber

Constipation is a big issue for women after c-sections.Anytime you enter the abdomen (surgically), the bowels can take a bit of time to get back to normal. Gas also gets backed up. This can be uncomfortable in the obvious ways but in surprising ones as well, like shoulder pain. “If your bowels are not regular, they can irritate the diaphragm, and that can be a referred pain that goes to the shoulders.I know this because it experienced the same.

So take those stool softeners and anti-gas medicines, eat fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and move around as much as possible.

Care for your incision

In the shower, let soapy water drip on the wound (don’t scrub). Pat it dry. If your skin folds over the incision, put a cloth pad on it to keep it from getting sweaty. Within a week, your wound will be mostly healed. But look out for issues: If you develop a fever or if the skin surrounding the incision turns red, or it becomes hard or painful, call your doctor. These could be signs of infection.

And don’t worry just yet about scarring—yes, you’ll have one and there’s no way of knowing exactly how it will look once it heals. “Any incision is going to leave a scar.“How much of a scar is determined by your own genetics.” Once your wound has healed, about six weeks after delivery, you can use scar-reducing ointments to help with the appearance. The color will likely fade, but it will be there.

Take good care of yourself

Sure, you’re a new mom with a round-the-clock new responsibility, but it’s important for both you and baby that you recover quickly. Help speed recovery by eating nutrient rich food, getting as much rest as you can and exercising once you get the go-ahead from your doctor. Don’t be afraid to ask for help so you can get some extra sleep, take a long shower or eat a full meal.

And most importantly just relax. You have got a new life to this world. You deserve all the rest.And like every other phase this too shall pass.

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